属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
1 | 本科院校如何办好高职教育的思考 | On How to Make Higher Vocational Education Development Well in Four-Year Colleges and Universities | |
2 | 这就意味着,公司不以许可方式或别的合作方式,而是以保持内部特有的优势来获得更高的利益。 | Generally, this means that the firm can make higher levels of profit by keeping its unique advantages internal instead of licensing or otherwise sharing it. | |
3 | ||1:对于面临印刷发行量减少和在线广告费率微薄的新闻机构来说,这是一线希望。||2:然而,将读者群转化为收入是一件棘手的事情。||3:并非所有出版商都有能力开发自己的平板电脑应用程序。||4:对于那些可以的读者来说,他们比在网络上更愿意为订阅付费;根据博士先生的说法,(目前)广告费是在线广告的六到十倍。||5:但目前尚不清楚有多少读者会做出这种转变。||6:对于没有应用程序的出版商来说,平板电脑用户和其他网络用户一样:价值很低。 | ||1: For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. ||2: Yet turning this readership into revenue is tricky. ||3: Not all publishers can afford to build their own tablet apps. ||4: For those that can, readers are somewhat readier to pay for subscriptions than on the web; advertising rates are (for now) six to ten times higher than online, according to Mr Doctor. ||5: But it is not yet clear how many readers will make the switch. ||6: And for publishers without an app, tablet users are just like other web users: worth very little money. | |
4 | ||1:气候科学的复杂程度众所周知,但把一个指标记在脑中非常好用,那就是“气候敏感性”。||2:该指标表示预计大气中二氧化碳浓度翻倍所能引致的升温量。||3:政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在其最近一次关于其预测背后的科学性的概要中(发布于2007年)估计,在如今的情况下,二氧化碳浓度翻倍将造成3°C左右的升温,上下误差在1.5度左右。||4:但该概要也声称,真实数据有少许可能还要高得多。一些近期的研究也猜测气温上升可能达到10°C之高。 | ||1: CLIMATE science is famously complicated, but one useful number to keep in mind is “climate sensitivity”. ||2: This measures the amount of warming that can eventually be expected to follow a doubling in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. ||3: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in its most recent summary of the science behind its predictions, published in 2007, estimated that, in present conditions, a doubling of CO2 would cause warming of about 3°C, with uncertainty of about a degree and a half in either direction. ||4: But it also says there is a small probability that the true number is much higher. Some recent studies have suggested that it could be as high as 10°C. | |
5 | ||1:投资者此前给蚂蚁金服的预期市盈率为40倍,与大型全球支付公司相仿。||2:相比之下,多数中国银行的市盈率不到10倍。||3:此前,蚂蚁金服的市值有望突破3000亿美元,高于世界上任何一家银行。||4:现在,它很有可能离这个目标渐行渐远。||5:拥有蚂蚁三分之一股份的中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴,在暂缓上市的消息公布后股价下跌了8%。 | ||1:Investors had previously given Ant a forward price-to-earnings multiple of 40, in line with big global payments companies.||2:Most Chinese banks, in contrast, trade on multiples of less than ten.||3:Ant had been on track for a Market capitalisation north of $300bn, higher than any bank in the world.||4:Now it is likely to fall well short of that.||5:Shares in Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce giant that owns a third of Ant, tumbled by 8% after the suspension of the listing was announced. | |
6 | ||1:新闻报刊的发行量正日益萎缩,网上的广告刊登率也乏善可陈,数字媒体平台也许是个契机。但是要将读者转化为收入来源是需要智慧的。并不是每个出版商都有能力建立自己的数字媒体平台。||2:对于那些有能力的出版商而言,读者显然更愿意付钱订阅电子杂志而非在网上浏览新闻, 道可特先生说,其广告刊登率也是在线广告的6到10倍,但目前还不清楚到底有多少读者愿意放弃浏览网页转而使用数字媒体平台。||3:而对于没有数字刊物平台的出版商而言,平板电脑的使用者跟其他上网浏览新闻的读者没有什么不同:赚不到什么钱。 | ||1:For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. Yet turning this readership into revenue is tricky. Not all publishers can afford to build their own tablet apps. ||2:For those that can, readers are somewhat readier to pay for subscriptions than on the web; advertising rates are (for now) six to ten times higher than online, according to Mr Doctor. But it is not yet clear how many readers will make the switch. ||3:And for publishers without an app, tablet users are just like other web users: worth very little money. | |
7 | ||1:作为政府债券最大的持有者,银行对于欧洲公共财政状况越来越不安。||2:欧洲银行争先甩卖低信用度的主权债券,这也使得如今的状况变的更加糟糕。||3:在合理的利率范围内,欧洲银行也意识到为债务筹措资金越发困难。同时,在英国,银行融资成本也随之水涨船高。||4:而这些最终必将由提升企业和个人的贷款利率进行填补。||5:面对日益变质的欧洲区资产,银行界十分紧张,与此同时,他们也希望能够能保留仅剩下的资产。因此,他们对于新贷款也越发小心,因为增加贷款这只能加速衰退。 | ||1: Growing anxiety about public finances in Europe has sapped confidence in banks which are big holders of government bonds. ||2: And the rush by European banks to sell bonds of the least creditworthy sovereigns has made things worse. ||3: European banks are finding it harder to refinance their own debts at reasonable interest rates, and funding costs are rising for British banks too. ||4: That will eventually feed through to higher interest rates on loans to companies and consumers. ||5: Banks nervous about euro-zone assets turning sour and keen to preserve scarce capital will be cautious about making new loans, which will only add to the recessionary forces. | |
8 | 贾殷很客气地指出,印度政府的高等教育政策需要“更加务实”。 | The Indian government needs to make higher education policies "more pragmatic" , says Mr Jain politely. | |
9 | 为抑制通膨而升息的可能性,也会使高收益货币增添投资吸引力。 | The possibility of higher interest rates to dampen inflation can also make higher -yielding currencies appealing. | |
10 | 要对中国的炼油厂进行改造、从而生产更高质量的清洁汽油需要用数年时间,花费数十亿美元资金。 | It will take years and billions of dollars to improve China’s refineries to make higher -quality, cleaner-burning gas. | |
11 | 怎样使大学生获得实际经验--国外的做法及我们的对策 | How to Make Higher Education Students Obtain Practical Experience--Methods Abroad and countermeasures in China |