属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
1 | 本科院校如何办好高职教育的思考 | On How to Make Higher Vocational Education Development Well in Four-Year Colleges and Universities | |
2 | 这就意味着,公司不以许可方式或别的合作方式,而是以保持内部特有的优势来获得更高的利益。 | Generally, this means that the firm can make higher levels of profit by keeping its unique advantages internal instead of licensing or otherwise sharing it. | |
3 | ||1:巴菲特规则是以涡沃伦·巴菲特命名的。作为亿万富翁的巴菲特,认为自己缴税的税率还不如手下的秘书多,尽管秘书比他挣得少多了(巴菲特缴税的税率约为15%,而其秘书缴纳的税率则为30%)。||2:一种说法称,2012年的公平分配收入法案是参议院民主党为了4月16日的程序性投票表决所安排的,而表决次日正是联邦所得税申报表的归档日期。||3:这项规则旨在保证年收入超过1百万美元的富人缴纳30%的所得税。 | ||1: The Buffett rule is named after Warren Buffett, who believes it is unfair that his secretary, who makes far less than he does, pays tax at a higher marginal rate. ||2: One version, the Paying a Fair Share Act of 2012, is scheduled by Senate Democrats for a procedural vote on April 16th—as it happens, a day before federal income-tax returns must be filed. ||3: The rule aims to ensure that people earning more than $1m a year pay tax at an effective rate of 30%. | |
4 | ||1:罗姆尼竞选团队称移民问题并不是西班牙裔选民的唯一争论点。||2:拉丁美洲裔美国人的失业率一直高于全国水平,而且也更贫穷。||3:他们的平均收入,比奥巴马刚掌权的时候还要低。||4:即使是占据了西班牙裔美国人2/3总人口的墨西哥裔美国人,似乎对于罗姆尼也有所怀疑,因为就业和教育比起移民政策改革更为重要。 | ||1: The Romney campaign argues that immigration is not the only point of contention for Hispanic voters. ||2: Latinos suffer higher unemployment than the national average, and are more likely to be poor. ||3: Their incomes are still lower, on average, than when Mr Obama came into office. ||4: Even for Mexican-Americans, who make up nearly two-thirds of America’s Hispanic population and seem particularly suspicious of Mr Romney, immigration reform may matter less than jobs or schools. | |
5 | ||1:罗姆尼可相对容易地使底层40%的人免受由于税收支出减少而收入减少之苦。||2:然而正是这个群体享用了退税政策的精华部分,根据税收政策中心的数据,他们总计才占据了税收支出11%。||3:原因在于税收减免对于赋重税人来说价值更大;而这些人,当然都是富人。 | ||1:Mr Romney can spare the bottom 40% any loss of income from reduced tax expenditures relatively easily.||2:Whereas that group gets the lion’s share of refundable tax credits such as those for children, for earned income and for university expenditures, they collectively enjoy just 11% of all tax expenditures, according to the TPC.||3:The reason is that exclusions and deductions are worth more to those who pay higher rates of tax; and those, of course, are the affluent. | |
6 | ||1:他从未忘记自己根源于沙漠游牧者和牧牛者。||2:尽管他在可笑的的黎波里总部装饰镀金美人鱼和白色钢琴,但是他更偏爱在帐篷里生活,出国旅游时还常随身带着。||3:不穿制服时,他就身着一件飘逸长袍。||4:他修筑了最宏伟的工程-大人工河,把南部的地下水引到北方城市。||5:宝石绿是他最爱的颜色,不仅出现在各种旗帜上,还出现在绿皮书以及广告牌上。||6:他所倡导的社会主义,从根本上来讲基于沙漠财产与牧地共有的传统。||7:他极力推崇军队建设,因为他心怀感激,感谢军队帮他这个穷孩子进入上层社会,实现雄心壮志。 | ||1:He never forgot his origins among the desert wanderers and cattlemen.||2:Despite the gilded mermaids and white pianos of his ludicrous quarters in Tripoli, he preferred to live in a tent, and always travelled abroad with one.||3:When not in uniform, he wore flowing robes.||4:His grandest project, the Great Man-Made River, brought water from southern aquifers to the northern cities.||5:Precious green was his colour, in flags, Book and billboards.||6:His socialism, at root, was based in desert customs of shared property and grazing land.||7:His deep devotion to the army was the gratitude of a poor boy who had used it as a ladder to higher social rank and more grandiose ambitions. | |
7 | ||1:印度也是个麻烦。||2:举个例子,燃料是印度大宗商品指数的重要组成部分,因为油价会传导到国内燃料成本,所以通胀就会上升。||3:到了承受不了的程度,预算会被重创。印度规范了——同时也着重补贴——柴油和煤油的价格。||4: 据德意志银行称,从09年一月起,按卢比计算的原油价格增长了180% ,而柴油价格只涨了31%。 ||5:这个差距是补贴的结果,不过也浪费了印度缩减预算赤字的努力。 | ||1: India is also a concern. ||2: Fuel is a big component of its wholesale-price index, for example, so inflation will rise as higher oil prices are passed through to domestic fuel costs. ||3: To the extent they are not, the budget will be hit. India regulates—and heavily subsidises—the price of diesel and kerosene. ||4: According to Deutsche Bank, diesel prices have risen by only 31% since January 2009, whereas the price of crude oil in rupees is up by 180%. ||5: The difference is a result of subsidies, frustrating India’s efforts to reduce its budget deficit. | |
8 | 贾殷很客气地指出,印度政府的高等教育政策需要“更加务实”。 | The Indian government needs to make higher education policies "more pragmatic" , says Mr Jain politely. | |
9 | 为抑制通膨而升息的可能性,也会使高收益货币增添投资吸引力。 | The possibility of higher interest rates to dampen inflation can also make higher -yielding currencies appealing. | |
10 | 要对中国的炼油厂进行改造、从而生产更高质量的清洁汽油需要用数年时间,花费数十亿美元资金。 | It will take years and billions of dollars to improve China’s refineries to make higher -quality, cleaner-burning gas. | |
11 | 怎样使大学生获得实际经验--国外的做法及我们的对策 | How to Make Higher Education Students Obtain Practical Experience--Methods Abroad and countermeasures in China |